Monday, September 26, 2011

Journal #10 - Argument

Deciding to put off our vocabulary is not a good idea at all. Yes, it will be more class work, but in the long run, it will be beneficiary to our learning experience. Many students would argue that our vocabulary assignment is easy enough to do outside of class, but why wait? If we wait, there is a chance that some of the students will forget to do the assignment, which will result in a late grade for those students that forgot. Also, if we do our assignment right now in class, we won't have to worry about doing it for homework. Something could come up tonight or tomorrow night that would not allow us to finish our assignment. We might also get an even larger assignment in our 3rd hour class, and if we just finish our vocabulary assignment now in class, we won't have to worry about completing both. In my personal experience, it is just better to finish any homework you possibly can at school so there is less to forget about at home. I think that we should do our vocabulary assignment in class quickly because it probably will not take a very long time. If we do it in class, we will be able to use our classmates to help complete our assignment, and it will take even less time. Doing our work in class would allow us to ask our teacher for help, which would help to assure complete points on the assignment. Now that I realize what Mr. Langley was talking about, I regret writing this journal. In retrospect, it really doesn't make sense compared to the topic. I feel so stupid. But I still believe that we should have just started our vocab assignment. It would have been done and out of the way and it would have made me so much happier. Although, I do believe that our class is happy that we did not start our vocabulary assignment, so it's not the end of the world.

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