Thursday, September 8, 2011

Journal #5 - 21st Century Punishment

Punishment is a word that is thrown around a lot these days, but what does it really mean? Punishment is the act of ruining a kid/ your child's life because they did something that you did not like/agree with. Examples of punishment would be: letting your child make plans for the weekend and then making him cancel his/her plans or making your child do extra chores that the parent is too lazy to do such as take out the trash, clean the kitchen or scrub the toilet with their toothbrush. Obviously, to an outside point of view, these acts sound completely outrageous, and they are. But from a parent's point of view, it is completely fine. Parents believe that since they are older than the children, they can do anything they want to do. From a child's point of view, that is completely false.

So on to this punishment thing. I believe that a good 20th century punishment would be as follows: Say your child comes in late for curfew. As the parent, you should let your child know that he/she is late for curfew, but then praise them for coming home at all (as a side note, always praise your child, it makes them know they are loved). After praising your child, tell them that you are going to take them out the next night. On that "date," allow your child to pick all of the activities, up until curfew. When it is time for curfew, tell your child that you are going to show them what they could have seen since they stayed out late for curfew the previous night. Some good places to take them would be a bar, an alley, a bad neighborhood or even to a gentleman's club.That will really let your son or daughter have a good time, but at the same time teach them a valuable life lesson. This style of punishment would be much more effective than telling them that they are grounded for the weekend. What would they learn from that? Nothing, that's what they would learn.

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