Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Journal #19 - Nature and Life Cycle

From a scientific standpoint, nature is a key part of the life cycle.For example, when an animal is born, the life cycle begins. Through out the life of the animal, it will consume food, such as plants or other animals. When the the animal dies, its body will decompose in the earth and feed the plants that are growing in the ground. Those plants serve as food for other animals, which helps to complete the cycle. Each organism in the cycle is just as important as the next, no matter how big or small. Rock are the stupidest animal in the entire animal kingdom. The rock, in its natural habitat, will literally just sit there and do nothing. It serves no purpose. Only stupid animals will eat the rock, and the rock will never die. So the rock doesn't really have a place in the system of life. In all seriousness, nature plays a huge part in the life cycle. Many of the experiences that people have in their life are due to nature. Some of those experiences help a person to learn something that they will use for the rest of their life. For example, when a person forgets their umbrella and has to walk in the rain, they can be sure they will never forget it again, and it was all because of nature. Death is a factor that ties nature and the life cycle together. In many aspects, one could not exist without the other. I have a feeling that the topics of nature and death are going to be in some of our upcoming poems that we will be reading in the Romanticism period of time. I know that nature is a big part of the literature of that time period, and I can only assume that we will be reading a poem that relates nature and death. While seemingly completely different, nature and the life cycle are connected in many different ways.

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