Friday, August 19, 2011

Fahrenheit 451 - It's All About the Cycle...

So, the title of this blog may be a little silly, but I'm at that point in my blogging career that if I don't keep things a little humorous, my blogs will just drone on and on and on, probably forever and cause a rip in the space-time continuum that would end the world as we know it. See what I'm talking about? So back to this cycle thing. The entire book is based on a cycle. When the story starts, we are introduced to this new character, Montag. He seems like an interesting guy. As the story progresses, we watch him grow and mature, much like a caterpillar matures into a butterfly, but without that stupid cocoon thing in between. By the end of the story, Montag is really worn out and he's about had it with the government and burning books. So what does he do? Obviously, he gets naked and jumps into the river. But that is the completion of the cycle. Montag was in a sense, reborn at that exact moment. The entire story was based on Montag's cycle of life.

Now, if I only gave one reason to support my title, I wouldn't be able to stand a chance, would I? Probably not. Another example of a cycle through out the story is fire. A cycle consists of two main parts, construction and destruction. For the most part, Montag really only knew about the destruction part, seeing as how he was a fireman. Fire was the fireman's best friend (which is funny because the only job of fireman today is to extinguish fires). At the beginning of the story, fire was only used in the destructive part of the cycle, the burning of the books. But at the end of the story, however, Montag realized that fire can be used for good things, such as warming and other constructive things. See? The story not only told about Montag's cycle through out the story, but also the cycle of fire itself. Fire transformed from something that was only used for bad, into something that was used for good as well.

Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Ballantine, 1953. Print.

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