Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Journal #11 - Aphorism

"Don't count your chickens before they are hatched" - Ben Franklin

This aphorism pretty much sums up my entire life. Let's be honest, whenever I get really pumped up for something that I think is going to happen, it usually doesn't. For example, last year, I decided that I wanted to be on the drumline this year. Tucker Good and I decided to propose the idea to Ms. McGovern about it, and surprisingly, she took it very well. She actually said yes. I was ecstatic. It was going to be a blast.  Tucker and I immediately started creating ideas. We first decided that we were going to play traditional grip instead of match grip. Match grip is for noobs. We also decided that we  were going to have extra drumline rehearsals so we could be amazing. We also had this amazing idea that we were going to have a drumline invitational, which would be a competition only for drumlines. We had so many great ideas, and we were going to do our best to make all of the ideas work. Tucker and I wrote out all of our ideas on paper, which took almost 3 pages. Everything was going to be great because everyone knows that the coolest members of the band are on the drumline.

Well...then came the spring. A few weeks had passed, and Tucker and I just came up with more ideas that we were going to try and do. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I got a pass in my first hour class that said Ms. McGovern wanted to see me. I figured that it was just something stupid that she wanted me to do, but it was worse. She met with me to tell me that I would not be on the drumline in the upcoming marching season. I was crushed. I really shouldn't have gotten my hopes up so quickly because I would never recover from that tragic event. It was the worst day ever.

Franklin, Ben. "From Poor Richard's Almanac." Comp. Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Ph.D. and Douglas Fisher, Ph.D. Glencoe Literature. American Literature ed. Columbus: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009. 110. Print.

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