A prominent philosophical leader once said, "we are who we are." Who is Chris Moore? Is he an athlete? Is he a scholar? Is he a musician? Or is he all of those things? Do any of those things even truly matter? To truly discover who Chris Moore is, we must take a journey into the life of Chris Moore. Understanding the this complex human being will not be an easy task. Upon initial observations, certain characteristics can be noted. Chris Moore works very hard for everything that he wants. Through out his life, he has not had things handed to him. Chris Moore is a generally good person. He will go out of his way to do things for people. Helping people out is something that he feels is important. Treating others the way he wants to be treated is something that he believes strongly in. Upon a much more detailed examination of Chris's character, it begins to become much more clear who Chris really is. Chris is someone who does not like conflict. He does everything he can to avoid all conflicts. This tells a lot about his character and moral integrity.
No one is harder on Chris than himself. He always strives to be the best he can be, no matter what the subject is. Chris does not let him do things halfway. He also strives to do everything that he can do. He is a strong believer in the motto "you only live once." Chris is viewed by others very highly. People see the things that he does and he is liked by many people. Adults speak highly of Chris because of his ability to do things when asked. He has great manners around everyone, especially women. It is to be noted that he has a very high level of respect towards women. He finds the way that some people act around them to be very disturbing.
It can be clearly stated that Chris Moore is a very complex person, inside and out.
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