Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Journal #4 - Vacation

In the beginning, I went on summer vacation. It was the greatest time of my life. We had so much fun just chilling in our condo. But the trip there, was awful. At first, it was completely fine. Sam and I hooked up a t.v. and played Xbox for a while, my sister and her friend were asleep and my mom was driving. We were all doing just fine. But then, my sister woke up. Then it all went downhill from there. The trip was a hiving "heck" from then after. All she did was yell and scream and complain. Because of that, she made everyone else's life miserable. We made if for about 3 hours before all of this started. Now, it may have just been a coincidence that everything started going bad when my sister woke up. I believe that in every trip, at some point, no matter how good of friends the people are, they will eventually start fighting. I can't imagine how the Pilgrims must have felt when when they traveled by ship to America. They must have gotten sick of some of the people on the ship, but they had no choice. And to make it worse, they were going to another country and the only people there were the people that they were fighting with. To think about it, I didn't have it so bad when I went on vacation. The Pilgrims had it much worse, so I should be thankful that our trip was as good as it was. Also, I knew that I had the option to go home as soon as the trip was over. The Pilgrims didn't have an option to go home. They were stuck with the people they traveled with, so they should have become friends, otherwise, their lives would have been awful. Overall, I love taking long trips and I would love to travel overseas by ship, possibly to England or Germany.

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